Focus Features needed a hand with art direction for several of their promotional items and activations. In this role I used my ad-lady knowledge to work several roles as an art director, strategist, and producer to effectively promote the company's feature films.
Film: Loving
Above: Billboard design for film promotion.
Right/Below: HTML Email campaign and sharable imagery to promote Loving Day, the celebration of the Supreme Court's ruling to allow interracial marriage.
Far Below: Landing page designed as URL destination for email blast; users are encouraged to share one of the images on the page to promote Loving Day via social networks.
(click here to view page)
Film: The Forest
Below: I created a series of about 500 custom viewmasters (yeah, that kind!) for influencers across the country. The viewmaster included 7 stills lifted from the movie, as well as a personalized image of each influencer in front of the ghost from the film, as if they are experiencing the horror themselves through the viewmaster.
Right: a window cling I designed based around the movie's promo poster.